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Book 2 Module2 复习教案
2015-05-05 23:36:37    SystemMaster    阅读 5436次



1. 课程标准要求

课标 1 词汇    七级学会使用2400-2500个单词和300400个习惯用语或固定搭配

课标 2 情感态度  七级保持学习英语的愿望和兴趣,主动参与有助于提高英语能力的活动

课标 3 认知策略  七级利用分析和归纳等逻辑手段分析和解决问题

2. 课程标准解读

             课标1 “了解”是指能够根据具体语境需要,明确单词的不同含义。

                  课标2  发挥学习主动性,从而在英语学习的过程中,能够自信地用英语交流和表达自己的观点、态度、情感。

    课标3 “分析”主要是指通过对所接触的语言材料中的语言规律进行发现和归纳,“解决问题”具体表现为对所发现的规律能够加以运用。






  目标 1 落实和检测本模块所学过的单词、短语和基本句型。

  目标 2 通过展示任务,发现学生存在的问题,并积极表扬和展示学生的精彩运用,调动学生的学习积极性。


    1. 85%的学生能够通过单词、短语和基本句型的检测练习。

      2. 90%的学生能够正确积极参加到小组的讨论之中,60%以上的学生应该有自己的观点的新句子。




Part 1Fill in the blanks using the proper form of the word given behind.

1. In this module, we know the Human Development Index, which ________(衡量) a countrys achievements.

2. Their ________(目标) is to help poorer countries to reduce ________(贫穷) and increase peoples ________.(收入)

3. Most developed _________(工业的)countries are _________(位于) in Europe.

4. The bottom ten countries ,all African countries, suffer from poverty,___________(疾病), and too many __________(居民).

Can you put these sentences in order to show a topic? Use link words or phrases if necessary.

PartII. Fill in the blanks using the right form of the phrases.

1. The report________________ (给出…的范例)countries which ____________________. (取得了一些进步)

2. Most African people__________________ (生活在贫困状态中).

3. China ________ life expectancy___ (延长了) 13 years.

4. 80% of Children in developing countries lack opportunity to ________________(享有…的权利) education _________________(一直到11), with about 115 million of them not being __________ (education).

5. They cant even______________________________________________________ .(确保他们有安全的饮用水喝)

What topic you think these sentences are about? Can you organize them according to the topic? You can add or drop information as you like.


Suppose you are a leader of Norway, the country at the top of the list, which would you like to help first, poverty, education or disease? Give your reason, please.

PartIIIWhat is town twinning agreement?


In your opinion, can these two cities become town twins? Why or why not? Refer to the paper if you need help.


Chica, America

Abuja, capital of Nigeria


606.2square kilometres

7315 square kilometres


2.9 million

2 million


Industrial and financial centre

oil, gas,  coal production;


museums; high-rise buildings; Lincoln Park  

Prairie(草原)hilly region

Health care

public and private health care insurance;

AIDS and other diseases;

lack of doctor and safe drinking water

PartIV. Fill in the blanks using the right form of the words.

hungry     develop    drink    produce    start   finance    use      aim      increase    look after






CARE International is one of the worlds largest development organizations,_______ to reduce poverty and________  in __________ countries and therefore  _______the life expectancy of the inhabitants of these countries. Here are some examples of CARE projects.

In Kenya, where people was ill because of unsafe ________ water, volunteers help teach locals how to build and improve water system. CARE lend people money_______ small businesses and teach them basic ________ skills so that they can increase their incomes.

Care works with farmers to provide more food. However, an increase in __________is not enough. Thus CARE also encourages farmers ___________ the environment by _______ better farming methods.

Patr V. Writing

Now lets help my friend write an email to CARE or Ryans Well to ask for more attention and help.

Part2 : Homework          

Extensive Reading: Ryan's Story to know more about what ordinary people can do to the world.


本节课思路清晰,符合学校4D课堂要求,以developed and developing countries 为线索,对课本知识进行了全面的整合复习,将本模块重难点训练得当因,在注重夯实基础的同时也做到了引领学生思维,树立普通人也可以为他人作出贡献,改变世界的人生价值观,促进学生唯一唯美的成长。当然没有十全十美的课堂,本节课也有如下不足:首先第一点也是最不应该的记错了下课时间,下次要带表到阶梯教室上课。所以后半截学生的思考训练时间不足,影响知识的消化吸收。第二、平时要多注意养成学生动手动嘴的好习惯。第三、板书的内容可以更丰富,讲词、短语多罗列出来进一步进行强化。

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