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民族学部英语公开课:《Grammar—To do不定式& doing》
2017-04-18 00:00:00    民族学部 夏洋    阅读 8635次

Teaching objectives: learn to use to do &doing correctly


Teaching steps:

Divide the main content into 4 parts:

Part one  (I):

Read the following examples and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1.We can finish building the bridge before the end of next month.

2.Would you mind opening the window?

3.No one can avoid making mistakes.

Sum up总结


finish, mind, avoid, practise, dislike, admit, enjoy, consider(考虑), delay(推迟),

miss, escape(逃避), suggest(建议), imagine(想象), appreciate, stand……

Give students 2 minutes to remember them, and then try to make sentences using them:






Part one (II)

Read the following examples and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1.Aren’t you tired of explaining it to them again

   and again?

2.Have you thought of spending your holiday with us?

3.The boy was worried about being punished.

4.I am used to living here.

Sum up


be/get tired of, think of, be worried about, give up, be used to/be accustomed to(习惯干…), put off, look forward to, believe in, dream of, insist on(坚持)

get down to(开始认真做), feel like(想要做),  succeed in, be fond of……

Give students 2 minutes to remember them, and then try to make sentences using them:







Part two:

Read the following examples and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1.What did they decide to do?

2.He failed to come to school yesterday.

3.I hope to be back soon.

4.I can’t afford to buy a car.

5.They managed to finish this job well.

6.I promised to go there on time.

Sum up


afford, agree, aim, choose, decide, expect, fail, hope/wish, learn, manage, promise(许诺/答应),  plan, want, attempt, refuse, be considered(认为)… pretend(假装)

Give students 2 minutes to remember them, and then try to make sentences using them:





Part three

Read the following examples and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1.I love lying on sands and staring into the sky.

2.I love to lie on sands and stare into the sky now.

Sum up:

like, love, prefer, hate,表示习惯性行为、通常的动作用v-ing;但如果表示特定的、具体的或某一次的动作时,应用动词不定式to do


Give students 1 minutes to remember them, and then try to make sentences



Part four

begin, start后面跟动词不定式和动词-ing形式都可以,通常可以互用,但是碰到以下三种情况时,动后面只能用to do 不定式作宾语。

Sum up: (1)当主语是sthit时; 

(2) begin, start本身是进行时态时;

(3)begin, start后接表示心理活动的词时,

            understand, see, realize, know等。

Read the following examples and pay attention to the underlined parts.

1.It started to rain.

2.The ice began to melt(融化)in late spring.

3.I was beginning to get angry.

4.She was starting to do her homework.

5.They began to realize the importance of learning a foreign language well.

Give students 2 minutes to remember them, and then try to make sentences using them:

1. 开始下雪了。

2. 我开始意识到学好英语的重要性。


Part five  温故知新

remember, forget,  regret, try, mean, go on, stop, can’t help,等单词后既可以跟动词不定式,也可跟v-ing,但是意义不同。

We have asked the students to review these points, so do some exercises first:


ex 1. He couldn’t help ________() when he heard the funny story.

  2.Try__________(knock) on the back door.

  3.We must try______ (get) everything ready.

  4.I regret__________ (not have) worked hard.

  5.I remember____ her before, but forget the exact time and place.

       A. to see     B. to seeing  C.seen      D. seeing




1.begin / start 后面使用to do 的三种情况是?

2.like, hate后接-ing to do 的区别是?

3.哪些动词后可以用to do表示要做的事,-ing表示做过的事?

4.mean, try, can’t help + to do-doing 的区别?

5.将下列动词分为两类:hope, afford, avoid, plan, mind, practise, fail, refuse, admit, consider, miss, manage, promise, decide, permit



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